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Advantages of Solid polycrystalline CBN inserts BN-K1 grade for processing slurry pumps

BN-K1 grade is a solid polycrystalline CBN insert specially developed by Halnn tools for high hardne...


CBN tool grades for cutting brake drums - BN-S300, BN-K20, and BNK30 grades

Brake drums generally belong to mass production, and manufacturers often use CNC machine tools for p...


Application of BN-K1 CBN cutting tools in the rolling mortar wall industry

BN-K1garde is a CBN tool developed by Halnn Superhard in 2003, which undertook a national key "produ...


Superhard tools are widely used in the field of castings and are gaining momentum

With the development of the machinery industry, the performance of various casting alloys has been g...


Superhard tools play a big role in the cutting field

Superhard cutting tools emerged as a result of the higher requirements for hardness in the processin...

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